Showdown rounds this year will return to head to head matches, but with weighted scoring to counter no-show wins and reward effort.
There will be four divisions of four teams each. You will face each team in your division once. So, you will be responsible for four cards in the preliminary round. Divisions will be announced later on based on random draw. There will be eight polls total for each preliminary round (two per division).
Scoring is as follows: Competitive win: 3 points Tie: 2 points No show win: 2 points Receive at least 40% of votes in a losing effort: 1 point
Teams with the most points per division after the four preliminary rounds will advance to a final four. Any ties for advancement will be decided by total votes over the four rounds and the second tie breaker will be head to head record.
There will be 48 hours to vote and 24 hours to turn in next card. Note, you can always write up your next card early, but don’t send until after voting closes for the current round to avoid confusion. A schedule will be posted later when the end date is in sight.
The final four and finals will be posted as soon as cards are turned in. Winner will be decided on total votes. Any ties will be broken by a board member in good standing who hasn’t already voted.
Non-participant board members can vote. You can vote for yourself. You should vote in all match-ups. Commenting is encouraged.
Might as well grab the greatest manager of all time and start building a family.
Cole is up
I had both Heenan and Heyman last year. Nice to see them go so early this year; there’s no way I could have had them both if that was my plan this year.